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What I Watched in August 2022

Updated: Nov 4, 2022

Here are the movies I watched in August 2022.

Train to Busan (2016) - 6/10

This one slightly disappointed me as I had only heard amazing things about this movie prior to watching it, and while I do think it’s good, It fell flat in a lot of ways for me. I loved the father/daughter dynamic that is the centerpiece of this movie, but aside from that I really couldn’t be bothered to care about anyone else here. The atmosphere and setting of the train are used effectively I think, but there were moments here and there that felt unearned. Maybe the hype killed this one for me, I’m not sure. I still enjoyed it though.

Lightyear (2022) - 5/10

For my full thoughts on this movie, click here!

The King (2019) - 7/10

This has been on my watchlist for years now, and I have to say, I liked this movie a lot more than I thought I would. I wasn’t impressed with David Michod’s The Rover, but I think here he takes everything that shined through about his style in that movie, and uses it to a greater advantage here. Timothee Chalamet gives a very good, if not slightly miscast performance as King Henry V here, as well as an almost ridiculous Robert Pattinson who I found amusing to watch. The battle sequences on display here were surprisingly well-helmed, they were brutal and the climactic battle was particularly unforgiving in the best way possible.

The Batman (2022) - 9/10 (Rewatch)

I have seen this 3 times now, and I’ve come to absolutely adore it. I think it’s my favorite film of the year so far and is quickly becoming one of my all-time favorite films.

For my old review of this movie, click here!

28 Days Later (2002) - 6/10

A movie that I started once upon a time, but never finished, watching this movie with more mature eyes was definitely a better idea. Boyle uses his frantic and raw editing style to this movie’s advantage, making it a gruesome and disturbing movie about the apocalypse. However, I do feel like this movie is very much a product of its time, and the plot feels very chunky at times with the way it’s put together. Also, I don’t know why but I have a DVD box set with this movie, Alien, The Day the Earth Stood Still, and the original The Fly. I feel like one of these things, in fact two, is not like the other - quite the weird combination.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022) - 6/10 (Rewatch)

Held up pretty well on rewatch, what didn’t hold up was the humor of this thing though, because this movie is not funny at all. Crazy to think that Thor 4 was even less so.

You can read my full review for this movie here!

Mad God (2022) - 6/10

The further this movie went on the more let down I was becoming by it. By the end, it’s a tonal and technical hodgepodge of scenes that don’t feel related to one another whatsoever. What seems to be the main storyline is pretty much done away with well before the final act even starts. Granted, this movie is a lot more about the dark and twisted aesthetic of this world that Phil Tippett has built, and while it is horrifyingly glorious, I was unfortunately not sad to leave it.

Predator (1987) - 8/10 (Rewatch)

Classic. I loved this movie as a kid, and rewatching it as a young adult my feelings haven’t changed. This is a great thriller, and I say thriller because on the surface it seems like an action movie, but it’s more about suspense than big explosions, and it’s very subversive in that way. Arnold Schwarzenegger gives a great charismatic performance here, and the third act of this movie is one of my favorites of all time.

Aliens (1986) - 9/10

It took me so long to watch this movie considering how much I love Alien, but I was not disappointed. This movie is pretty much the perfect 80s action movie from top to bottom. From the development of Ripley to the amazing practical effects, this is an intense and frightful combination of action and alien horror. James Cameron never fails to make his movies look like they’re from the future, and this is no exception.

Mayhem (2017) - 7/10

A pleasant surprise, this movie was such a fun time to watch. It knows exactly what it is, and it isn’t trying to be anything more. Steven Yeun gives such a charismatic and fun performance and his chemistry with costar Samara Weaving. It could’ve used a little more gore given its concept, but with the budget restrictions, it did its best.

Prey (2022) - 6/10

For my full thoughts on this movie, click here!

Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022) - 8/10

For my full thoughts on this movie, click here!

Not Okay (2022) - 6/10

This movie stumbles a little bit setting out to deliver its message, but Zoey Deutch’s character and chemistry with literally everyone and Dylan O’Brien here make this so easy and entertaining to watch. At times it feels a little too overstuffed with muddled commentary, but in the end, it’s saying something important and in a unique way.

VFW (2019) - 5/10

Was hoping for a fun and energetic time like Mayhem, with this one, but it’s severely lacking in everything it shouldn’t be. Its characters are dry and unmotivated, and it’s severely suffering from budget restrictions to the point where it can’t be dismissed. It’s entertaining enough, but it’s ambitious action pieces aren’t quite fulfilled.

Ichi the Killer (2001) - 4/10

This was so bad. I’m gonna wait to talk about this in my watchlist video for this month, but Jesus Christ.

Frances Ha (2013) - 8/10

My partner's favorite movie, so I figured I would watch it. And I loved it! I can see myself rewatching this over and over again and growing to appreciate it and love it with each rewatch. There’s so much being said here about youth and the innocent cluelessness that comes with that here, and I felt so understood by Baumbach’s vision of a young person just trying to find themselves.

The Suicide Squad (2021) - 8/10 (Rewatch)

I could rewatch this again already right now. This movie has cast some sort of spell on me, and I can’t quite figure it out. Hopefully, I’ll talk about this at length one day, but one of the most fun, aware, silly goofy-ass movies I’ve ever watched, while simultaneously being so much more.

Thanks for reading guys! So you next month!!


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